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The Orbiter: Engage!

“Engage” is a powerful word. It is something that SSPI tries to help the people of our industry do every day. And believe me, we all need that help.

Engagement is essential if we are to continue making this a great industry to work, create and innovate in. In the pages of this Orbiter, we share all the ways that SSPI can help you raise your eyes from the screen and do it: bringing your company into membership, mentoring and being mentored, joining chapters or working groups like SSPI-WISE, nominating for awards, attending events and business roundtables, and contributing to the wide range of podcast, video and online content that we produce to sell the world on the immense value of space and satellite.

They take time. They take a bit of money to support SSPI’s existence. But the return on investment? It’s galactic!

In this issue:

  • Engage! – By Robert Bell, Executive Director
  • How Are You Contributing to a Safe and Sustainable Future in Space?
  • Join Women Helping Women Thrive in the Space and Satellite Industry – By Tina Ghataore and Debra Facktor
  • Small Steps, Big Impact – By Tamara Bond-Williams, Director of Engagement
  • Why Did the Elf Cross the Road? – By Louis Zacharilla, Director of Innovation
  • Plus More!

The Orbiter is now available as a beautiful, mobile-friendly online magazine. Click on the cover below to read it now:


SSPI’s online magazine The Orbiter is made possible with the support of our corporate partners