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Better Satellite World Podcast: UAPs

In this Better Satellite World podcast, based on the July 2024 edition of the New York Space Business Roundtable, we hear from Greg Eghigian, Author & Professor at Penn State and Nick Reese, Co-Founder & COO of Frontier Foundry. Greg’s book, After the Flying Saucers Came: A Global History of the UFO Phenomenon was released in July by Oxford University Press. In the fall, he will be Visiting Research Fellow at Princeton and his next book project will examine the history of the controversy surrounding claims of alien abduction. Greg and Nick discuss unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and the numerous questions around them such as why we are spending so much to learn about UAPs and what would happen if we discovered we are not alone.

The question “are we alone?” has never been fully answered. With each image and data set arriving back from Hubble and James Webb the frivolous, Sci-Fi cultural expression of alien life is less frivolous. There is an anxiety about our place in the Universe and it impacts our human community in many ways.

The government and military are now addressing the question of UAPs with heightened seriousness and attention. As the understanding of UAPs’ existence and nature becomes more mainstream, numerous questions emerge, particularly concerning commercial space and beyond.




You can watch the original July 2024 edition of the New York Space Business Roundtable here:


SSPI’s Better Satellite World campaign is made possible with the support of our corporate partners

 August 19, 2024